####yum异常 安装包的时候提示: The program package-cleanup is found in the yum-utils package. 或: There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-complete-transaction first to finish them. The program yum-complete-transaction is found in the yum-utils package. #####解决方法:
yum install yum-utils
运行 yum-complete-transaction
yum-complete-transaction --cleanup-only
package-cleanup --dupes
package-cleanup --problems
####rpm异常 error: db3 error(12) from dbenv->open: Cannot allocate memory error: db3 error(12) from dbenv->close: Cannot allocate memory error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - Cannot allocate memory (12) error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm error: db3 error(12) from dbenv->open: Cannot allocate memory error: db3 error(12) from dbenv->close: Cannot allocate memory error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm 这是由于rpm数据库文件损坏所致 #####解决方法:
rm -rf /var/lib/rpm/__db*
rpm --rebuilddb
####更新yum异常 centos7更新或升级后使用yum install出现 Exiting on user cancel 这是yum的一个bug导致的问题。 #####解决办法: 修改/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/urlgrabber/grabber.py
vi /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/urlgrabber/grabber.py
将第1510行和1517行注释掉即可 修改前:
1510 elif errcode == 42:
1511 # this is probably wrong but ultimately this is what happens
1512 # we have a legit http code and a pycurl 'writer failed' code
1513 # which almost always means something aborted it from outside
1514 # since we cannot know what it is -I'm banking on it being
1515 # a ctrl-c. XXXX - if there's a way of going back two raises to
1516 # figure out what aborted the pycurl process FIXME
1517 raise KeyboardInterrupt
1510 #elif errcode == 42:
1511 # this is probably wrong but ultimately this is what happens
1512 # we have a legit http code and a pycurl 'writer failed' code
1513 # which almost always means something aborted it from outside
1514 # since we cannot know what it is -I'm banking on it being
1515 # a ctrl-c. XXXX - if there's a way of going back two raises to
1516 # figure out what aborted the pycurl process FIXME
1517 # raise KeyboardInterrupt
yum clean metadata yum clean all